Fleas can cause a lot of trouble for your cat, and your household as well.

Cat fleas are not easy to detect, they can also pose serious health risks, including skin infections, allergic reactions, and even blood-borne diseases.

For Maine Coon owners, fleas can be an even bigger challenge. Maine Coon cat’s signature long, fluffy coat provides the perfect breeding ground for fleas to hide and multiply, and their energetic, outdoor-loving lifestyle increases exposure to fleas, especially in warmer months.

That’s why choosing the right flea control product for your cat is crucial.

Choosing the right cat flea product depends on several factors, such as your cat’s age, weight, and preferences, the severity of the infection, as well as the product’s effectiveness, safety, convenience, cost, and duration.

Inspect your cats for fleas before using any cat flea treatment to see how serious they are.

We will score and rank these six cat flea treatments and hopefully help you decide which is the best for your cat.

Best Effective Oral Treatment: Capstar

  • Starts killing fleas in just 30 minutes
  • One dose kills most adult fleas within hours
  • FDA approved

Best Topical Drops: FRONTLINE Plus

  • Kills adult fleas, eggs, larvae, lice, and ticks
  • Provides continuous flea and tick control for 30 days.

Best Cat Flea Collar: Seresto Cat

  • Kills and repels fleas for 8 months
  • The veterinarian recommended collar for flea and tick control

Best Cat Flea Shampoo: Adams Plus

  • Kills adult fleas, eggs, larvae, lice, and ticks
  • Prevents flea re-infestation for up to 28 days.
  • Proven performance since 1975

Best Cat Flea Spray: Vet’s Best

  • Made with certified natural ingredients
  • Can be used on your cat and furniture, carpets, and bedding

Best Flea Comb for Cats: Hartz

  • Extra-fine teeth easily comb away adult fleas, flea eggs
  • Works for cats and dogs with all fur lengths and textures

Oral Flea Treatment

Oral flea products like tablets or pills are given to cats to ingest, typically once a month or as needed. These products, such as Capstar, kill adult fleas within hours of ingestion and some even prevent flea eggs and larvae from developing.

They are quick to act, easy to administer, and have low toxicity, with no long-term effects.

However, they do not repel fleas or ticks and can cause side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, or allergic reactions in some cats.

Some oral flea products can also require a prescription and may not be suitable for all cats, especially kittens, pregnant, or nursing cats.

Capstar Cat Flea Oral Treatment


>> Capstar review

Overall Score

Easy to use: 4.2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Comfort: 4

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Effectiveness: 4.8

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Safety: 4

Rating: 4 out of 5.
Product Details
ProductCapstar Oral Flea Treatment for Cats
Target speciesCats
Cat weight2 - 25 lbs
Minimum age requirement4 weeks of age or older
Life stagesAl life stage
Treatment or PreventionTreatment
TypesOral tablet
Start to kill fleas within30 minutes
Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae
Kills ticks
Kill lice
Approved by FDA
Prescription required×
Recommended by veterinarian
Application frequency

Topical Solutions

These are liquids that are applied to your cat’s skin, usually on the back of the neck or between the shoulder blades, once a month or as directed. They work by killing and repelling fleas, ticks, and other parasites, and some also prevent heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, and ear mites.

They are long-lasting, waterproof, and effective against multiple pests. However, they may cause some skin irritation, hair loss, or allergic reactions at the application site, and they may take some time to dry and spread on the cat’s coat.

Some topical solutions require a prescription, and some may not be suitable for kittens, pregnant, or lactating cats.

An example of a topical solution is Revolution Plus, which kills and prevents fleas, ticks, and other parasites.


FRONTLINE Plus Flea Treatment for Cats


Overall Score

Easy to use: 4.3

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Comfort: 4.5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Effectiveness: 4.6

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Safety: 4.5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Product Details
ProductFRONTLINE Plus Flea Treatment for Cats
Target speciesCats
Cat weight1.5 lbs+
Minimum age requirement8 weeks or older, weighing 1.5 pounds and greater.
Life stagesAll life stage
Treatment or PreventionTreatment and prevention
TypesTopical drops
IngredientsFipronil and (S)-methoprene
Start to kill fleas within
Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae
Kills ticks
Kill lice
Approved by FDA×
Prescription required×
Recommended by veterinarian
Application frequencyEvery 30 days

Collar Flea Products

Flea collars like Seresto release insecticides or repellents that kill and prevent fleas and ticks.

They are convenient, long-lasting, and adjustable, and some even have safety features like reflectivity or breakaway mechanisms.

However, they can cause irritation or hair loss around the neck and may not be effective across the entire body. Some collars may not be waterproof.


Seresto Cat Flea Collar


Overall Score

Easy to use: 4.5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Comfort: 4

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Effectiveness: 4.6

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Safety: 4.6

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Product Details
ProductSeresto Cat Flea Collar
Target speciesCats
Cat weight
Minimum age requirement10 weeks of age and older
Life stagesAll life stage
Treatment or PreventionTreatment and prevention
TypesFlea collar
IngredientsImidacloprid and Flumethrin
Start to kill fleas within24 hours
Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae
Kills ticks
Kill lice
Approved by FDA×
Prescription required×
Recommended by veterinarian
Application frequencyEvery 8 months

Shampoo Flea Products

Flea shampoos, including natural ones like Dawn dish soap, are used to wash the cat’s coat, killing and removing fleas, eggs, and dirt.
They are inexpensive and effective at eliminating existing fleas.

However, they may cause skin dryness or irritation and may not be effective against larvae or re-infestation. Some might contain harsh chemicals toxic to cats.


Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo


Overall Score

Easy to use: 4.8

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Comfort: 4.6

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Effectiveness: 4.4

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Safety: 4.8

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Product Details
ProductAdams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo
Target speciesCats and dogs
Cat weight
Minimum age requirement12 weeks and older
Life stages12 weeks and older
Treatment or PreventionTreatment and prevention
Ingredients(S)-Methoprene, Pyrethrins, Piperonyl Butoxide
Start to kill fleas within
Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae
Kills ticks
Kill lice
Approved by FDA×
Prescription required×
Recommended by veterinarian
Application frequencyEvery 28 days


These are liquids that are sprayed on the coat of your cat, and they contain insecticides or natural ingredients that kill and remove fleas, eggs, and dirt.

They are inexpensive, readily available, and effective at eliminating existing fleas.

However, they may cause some skin dryness, irritation, or allergic reactions, and they may not be effective against flea larvae or re-infestation.

Some sprays may contain harsh chemicals that are toxic to cats. An example of a spray is Adams Plus Flea and Tick Spray, which kills and repels fleas, ticks, and other pests.


Vet’s Best Cat Flea Spray


Overall Score

Easy to use: 4.7

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Comfort: 4.3

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Effectiveness: 4.5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Safety: 4.2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Product Details
ProductVet's Best Cat Flea Spray
Target speciesCats and dogs
Cat weight
Minimum age requirement12 weeks or older
Life stagesAll life stage
Treatment or PreventionTreatment
Ingredientseugenol,peppermint oil
Start to kill fleas within
Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae
Kills ticks
Kill lice
Approved by FDA×
Prescription required×
Recommended by veterinarian
Application frequency

Cat Flea Comb

A cat flea comb has very fine teeth that can trap and remove fleas, flea eggs, and flea dirt from your cat’s fur. It is a natural and chemical-free way to control fleas, but it requires patience and consistency to be effective.

Flea combs can help reduce the number of fleas on your cat, but they are not enough to get rid of them completely. Fleas can hide in hard-to-reach areas, such as under the collar, behind the ears, or near the tail, and they can jump back onto your cat after you comb them off. Therefore, flea combs are best used to supplement other flea treatments.


Hartz Cat Flea Comb


Overall Score

Easy to use: 4.3

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Comfort: 4.6

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Effectiveness: 4.7

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Safety: 4.8

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Product Details
ProductHartz Cat Flea Comb
Target speciesCats and dogs
Cat weight
Minimum age requirement
Life stagesAll life stage
Treatment or Prevention
Start to kill fleas within
Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae
Kills ticks
Kill lice
Approved by FDA
Prescription required
Recommended by veterinarian
Application frequency

How Do We Pick the Products?

In PawperCare, we have a list of selection criteria when it comes to picking products. We call it our “Gold Standard.”

Here are some factors when we consider cat flea products.

How well does the product kill and prevent fleas and other parasites that your cat may be exposed to, such as ticks, worms, or mites? 

Some products, such as oral treatment and topical solutions, can kill adult fleas within hours of ingestion or application, and some also prevent flea eggs and larvae from developing. 

Some products, such as collars and spray, can kill and repel fleas and other pests for a longer period of time. Some products, such as shampoo, can only kill and remove existing fleas, but not prevent re-infestation .

How safe is the product for your cat?
What are the possible side effects or risks? 

Some products, such as oral treatment and topical solutions, have low toxicity and no long-term effects on cats, but they may cause some side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, or allergic reactions. 

Collar and spray may cause skin irritation, hair loss, or allergic reactions around the neck or the application site. 

Some products, like shampoo, may contain harsh chemicals that are toxic to cats and cause some skin dryness, irritation, or allergic reactions, while some may require a prescription.

It’s impossible to choose a “100%” safe product. But we can avoid those products with too many negative reviews online.

How easy and convenient is the product to apply
How often do you need to use it? 

Some products, such as oral treatment and topical solutions, are easy to administer, and you only need to use them once a month or as needed. 

Some products, such as collar, are convenient, and you only need to replace them every few months. 

Some products, such as spray and shampoo, are more labor-intensive, and you need to use them more frequently or as directed.

Do cats like it?

Every cat is unique and has its preferences. We will rate this criteria based on the majority of feedback and our experience.

How to Get Rid of Cat Fleas on Your Cats?

Now you’ve identified your cat’s flea problem, the next move is to get rid of them and stop them from coming back. 

Did you know that the fleas you can see on your cat are just a small part of the whole problem? Most of the flea problem is actually hidden. 

Flea eggs and young fleas (called larvae) are too small to see and are hiding in your home. That’s why it’s really important to do all the steps we’ll show you.

Step 1: Treat the Fleas on Your Cat

First, you need to use a product made to kill fleas on your cat. You can try to give your cat a bath with a shampoo made to kill fleas. If your cat doesn’t like water, you can also use a flea spray. 

Make sure to follow the instructions on the product and use it as often as it says to.

After treating your cat, use a special flea comb to remove any remaining fleas from your cat’s fur. 

When you’re done combing, put the comb in a mix of dish soap and water. This will kill any fleas left on the comb. 

Keep checking and combing your cat every week to keep an eye on the flea problem.

Step 2: Use Cat Flea Preventive

Using a flea preventive can stop fleas from returning. Check out the collar we recommend above.

These can protect your cat from fleas for a month to eight months. Pick the one you think will work best for you and your cat.

Remember, for the best protection, you should use these preventives for a longer period. If you only use them for a couple of months, your cat could still get fleas.

Step 3: Protect All Your Pets from Fleas

If you have more cats or even a dog, they might also be in danger of getting fleas. 

It’s important to use preventives on all your pets, whether they stay inside or go outside. 

This will stop fleas from spreading from one pet to another and help stop future flea problems.

Step 4: Get Rid of Fleas in Your House and Yard

Fleas don’t just live on your cat. Flea eggs can fall off your cat and end up all over your house and yard. 

The eggs then develop into larvae, which feed on organic matter and spin cocoons around themselves. The cocoons are very tough and resistant to insecticides, and they can remain dormant for weeks, months, or even years before hatching into adult fleas. 

If you only treat your cat, you may not get rid of the entire flea population, and you may face a re-infestation problem later. 

So you must do more than treat your pets to stop fleas for good. You also need to treat your house and yard. This will help you avoid more flea problems in the future.

Check Your Cats for Fleas Regularly

Remember to use a flea comb on your cat at least once a week and watch for any signs of itching or scratching more than usual.

Set reminders to give your cat their flea treatment or prevention products as often as the instructions say.

Pay attention to who your cat is hanging out with – other pets, animals, or even people – to determine if they might be at risk of getting fleas.


How to measure your cat’s weight?

One way to measure your cat’s weight is to use a regular scale at home. You can follow these steps.

1 Start your scale and make sure it is set to zero.

2 Weigh yourself holding your cat and note down the weight.

3 Weigh yourself as you would normally do and note down the weight.

4 Subtract your weight from the weight of you and your cat. The difference is your cat’s weight.

For example, if you weigh 150 lbs and you and your cat weigh 160 lbs, then your cat weighs 10 lbs.

Will fleas bite me too?

Yes, fleas can bite you too, but they usually prefer to live on animals and in their sleeping spaces.

Flea bites can be very itchy and irritating, and they may cause allergic reactions or infections.

Flea bites typically appear as small, red bumps in clusters or lines, often found on the feet, ankles, or legs.

To prevent and treat flea bites, use appropriate flea products on your cats and your home, and avoid scratching the bites.

You can also use oral antihistamines, topical creams, or oatmeal baths to soothe the itchiness and inflammation.

You should seek medical attention immediately if you have severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, vomiting, or fever.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right flea product for your cat depends on various factors, including your cat’s age, weight, health, lifestyle, and preferences. You might prefer the convenience of a collar or the thorough coverage of a topical treatment. Or perhaps, you would rather stick with the quick action of an oral treatment or the affordability of a flea shampoo.

Whatever choice you make, remember that each type of flea product has its pros and cons and that what works wonders for one cat might not be as effective for another.

Always consult your vet before starting any new flea prevention or treatment.

Follow the instructions and precautions on the product label to ensure your cat’s safety and well-being. Remember, a happy cat leads to a happy home!

The end. Have a purrfect day!

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