Best products for your Maine Coon,

researched and reviewed for you.



As a cat parent, you might be overwhelmed by the number of online products for your cat. How do you know which ones are worth buying and which are not? How do you find honest and reliable reviews from other Maine Coon owners? How do you save time and energy from doing endless research?

That’s where we come in. We are PawperCare, a company that is dedicated to providing the best and most honest product reviews for Maine Coon cat owners. Most importantly, to help you solve the challenges of owning a cat. Eliminating odor in your house, providing your cat food and water while you are out, and picking the best cat food…not a problem anymore.

We are a team of experts and enthusiasts who love Maine Coons and want to help you find the best products for them. We test and review hundreds of products, from food and treats to toys and accessories to grooming and health care. We only recommend the products that we think are high-quality, safe, and suitable for your Maine Coon. We also provide helpful tips and advice on caring for your cat and making them happy and healthy.


With PawperCare, you don’t have to worry about wasting time and money on products that are not good for your cat. We are independent and honest and only care about your cat’s well-being. You can find the best Maine Coon products here and enjoy the convenience and peace of mind of online shopping.

PawperCare is your one-stop destination for everything Maine Coon. Whether you are a new or experienced owner, you will find something valuable and helpful on our website. Join our community of Maine Coon lovers and discover the best products for your cat today. We are PawperCare, and we are here for you and your Maine Coon.


Why You Should Trust Us?

  • We provide true and honest reviews from ourselves or reviewers that are directly from our audiences. Join our program.
  • Transparent and updated standards that you can rely on. Check out our golden standards.
  • Responsive and interactive. We will always listen and respond to the feedback and questions.

How Do We Pick Products?

Generally speaking, we will review products in four dimensions: Quality, Functionality, Value, and Satisfaction, which are PawperCare’s “Gold Standard.” We may add extra criteria for a full assessment regarding a specific product.

  • Quality: The products should be made of high-quality materials and components, and they should be durable and reliable. They should not break or malfunction easily, and they should not pose risks or hazards to your Maine Coon or yourself.
  • Functionality: The products should perform well and meet the expectations and requirements of your Maine Coon and yourself. They should not have any defects or flaws, and they should not cause problems or issues to your Maine Coon or yourself.
  • Value: The products should be worth the price and the investment, and they should provide a good return and benefit to your Maine Coon and yourself. They should not be overpriced or underpriced, and they should not be a waste of money or resources.
  • Satisfaction: The products should satisfy the needs and preferences of your Maine Coon and yourself, and they should make your Maine Coon and yourself happy and content. They should not cause dissatisfaction or disappointment, and they should not make your Maine Coon or yourself unhappy or unhappy.

All the criteria are there to help us pick better products. So we are also open to your opinion. Please feel free to reach us at if you have any questions or suggestions.

About Author

Danial Anderson

Hi, I’m Daniel. I’m passionate about cats and dogs (can’t say I’m a cat or dog person) and love sharing my knowledge and experience with other pet owners and lovers. 

I write about topics such as Maine Coon nutrition, health, behavior, grooming, training, and more. I also create fun and engaging content, such as quizzes, stories, and art, that celebrate the joy and bond of having a Maine Coon.

I have a female Maine Coon named Bella, who is my best friend and inspiration. She is a beautiful and fluffy cat with a friendly and loyal personality. I enjoy spending time with her, playing with her, and learning from her. She also helps me test and review different Maine Coon products and services.

All of my posts are written and reviewed by cat experts and veterinarians, who have extensive knowledge and experience in Maine Coon care and wellness. They provide me with accurate and reliable information, advice, feedback, and suggestions. 

I hope you enjoy reading my posts and find them valuable and entertaining. Have a purrfect day!

PawperCare reviews every piece of content and product on an annual basis to ensure that you get the most accurate and relevant information and recommendations.

PawperCare is more than just a brand, it’s a community of Maine Coon lovers who share their passion and experience. Join PawperCare today and discover how to make your Maine Coon happy and healthy.

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Your Maine Coon may live for 12 years, which is equivalent to 100,000 hours.

Think about how much time you can spend with your feline friend: If you work 8 hours a day and sleep 8 hours a night, you only have about 35,000 hours left.

The time you have with your friend may be shorter than you expect.

The best care you can give is your companionship, and that is the only thing we cannot provide.

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