Maine Coon VS Norwegian Forest Cat: Size & Differences

PawperCare Team


Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat are two of the most popular and beloved long-haired cat breeds in the world.

They are both known for their large size, shaggy coat, and tufted ears. They are also both very friendly, loyal, and playful.

But how can you tell them apart? And what are the main differences between them?

In this post, I will answer these questions and more, based on my research and experience with these cats.

How to Tell A Maine Coon Cat?


Maine Coon cats are one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. 

They originated from Maine, where they were valued as mousers and companions. 

They have a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other cats. 

Here are some of the features that can help you identify a Maine Coon cat:

• Size: Maine Coon cats are one of the largest domestic cat breeds, weighing between 9 to 20 pounds and measuring between 19 to 30 inches in length. 

Some Maine Coon cats may even grow larger than that and break world records.

• Coat: Maine Coon cats have a heavy and shaggy coat that is silky and smooth. 

Their coat is longer on their ruff, stomach, and britches, and shorter on their head and shoulders. 

Their coat can be any color or pattern.

• Ears: Maine Coon cats have large, pointed, and tufted ears that give them a distinctive look. 

Their ears help them hear better and regulate their body temperature better. 

Their ears also reflect their mood and expression.

• Paws: Maine Coon cats have large, round, and tufted paws that act like snowshoes. 

Their paws help them walk on snow or ice without sinking or slipping. 

Their paws also help them manipulate objects or open doors.

• Tail: Maine Coon cats have a long, bushy, and tapered tail that resembles a raccoon’s tail. 

Their tail helps them balance better and keep warm better. 

Their tail also helps them communicate better with other animals.

• Personality: Maine Coon cats have a unique and charming personality that makes them stand out from other cats. 

They are very friendly, loyal, playful, and curious. 

They are also very intelligent, adaptable, and independent. 

They can get along with anyone and anything, including children, dogs, and cats. 

They can also cope with any situation and environment, whether indoors or outdoors, hot or cold, calm or chaotic.

How Do You Know If Your Cat Is a Norwegian Forest Cat?


Norwegian Forest cats are one of the oldest natural breeds in Europe. 

They originated from Norway, where Vikings bred them as mousers and companions. 

They have a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other cats. 

Here are some of the features that can help you identify a Norwegian Forest cat:

• Size:  Norwegian Forest cats are also one of the largest domestic cat breeds, weighing 9 to 16 pounds and measuring 12 to 18 inches in length. 

Some Norwegian Forest cats may grow larger than that but not as large as Maine Coon cats.

• Coat: Norwegian Forest cats have a thick and water-repellent coat that is soft and glossy. 

Their coat is longer on their neck, chest, back legs, and tail, and shorter on their face and front legs. 

Their coat can be any color or pattern.

• Ears: Norwegian Forest cats have medium-sized, pointed, and tufted ears that give them a triangular-shaped head. Their ears help them hear better and regulate their body temperature better. 

Their ears also reflect their mood and expression.

• Paws: Norwegian Forest cats have large, round, and tufted paws that also act like snowshoes. 

Their paws help them walk on snow or ice without sinking or slipping as well. Their paws also help them climb trees or rocks with ease.

• Tail: Norwegian Forest cats have a long, bushy, and plumed tail that gives them a graceful look. 

Their tail helps them balance better and keep warm better. 

Their tail also helps them communicate better with other animals.

• Personality: Norwegian Forest cats have a unique and charming personality that makes them stand out from other cats. 

They are very friendly, loyal, playful, and curious. 

They are also very intelligent, adaptable, and independent. 

They can get along with anyone and anything, including children, dogs, and cats. 

They can also cope with any situation and environment, whether indoors or outdoors, hot or cold, calm or chaotic.

7 Differences Between Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats

Maine Coon cats and Norwegian Forest cats have many similarities in their appearance and personality.

However, they also have some differences that make them unique and special. Here are some of the main differences between them:


Maine Coon cats originated from the state of Maine in the United States, while Norwegian Forest cats originated from Norway in Europe.


Maine Coon cats have a mysterious and uncertain history, with many legends and myths surrounding their origin.

Some say they are descended from long-haired cats brought by Vikings or French sailors. Some say they are the result of a cross between domestic cats and raccoons or bobcats.

Some say they are the offspring of Marie Antoinette’s cats that escaped to America during the French Revolution.

Norwegian Forest cats have a more clear and certain history, with historical records and evidence supporting their origin.

They are believed to be bred by Vikings as mousers and companions. They are also mentioned in Norse mythology and folklore as sacred animals.


Maine Coon cats are larger than Norwegian Forest cats on average.

They can weigh up to 20 pounds and measure up to 30 inches in length.

Norwegian Forest cats can weigh up to 16 pounds and measure up to 18 inches in length.


Maine Coon cats have a heavy and shaggy coat that is longer on their ruff, stomach, and britches, and shorter on their head and shoulders.

Their coat can be any color or pattern.

Norwegian Forest cats have a thick, water-repellent coat that is longer on their neck, chest, back legs, and tail, and shorter on their face and front legs.

Their coat can be any color or pattern as well.


Maine Coon cats have large, pointed, and tufted ears that give them a distinctive look.

Their ears help them hear better and regulate their body temperature better.

Their ears also reflect their mood and expression.

Norwegian Forest cats have medium-sized, pointed, and tufted ears that give them a triangular-shaped head.

Their ears help them hear better and regulate their body temperature better.

Their ears also reflect their mood and expression as well.


Maine Coon cats have large, round, and tufted paws that act like snowshoes.

Their paws help them walk on snow or ice without sinking or slipping.

Their paws also help them manipulate objects or open doors.

Norwegian Forest cats have large, round, and tufted paws acting like snowshoes.

Their paws help them walk on snow or ice without sinking or slipping.

Their paws also help them climb trees or rocks with ease.


Maine Coon cats and Norwegian Forest cats have similar personalities in terms of being friendly, loyal, playful, curious, intelligent, adaptable, and independent.

However, they may have some differences in their temperament and preferences.

For example, Maine Coon cats may be more outgoing and sociable than Norwegian Forest cats, who may be more reserved and shy.

Maine Coon cats may also be more vocal and expressive than Norwegian Forest cats, who may be more quiet and subtle.

These are some main differences between Maine Coon cats and Norwegian Forest cats.

Of course, there may be more differences that I have yet to mention here.

Is A Norwegian Forest Cat Bigger Than A Maine Coon?

No, a Norwegian Forest cat is not bigger than a Maine Coon.

In fact, Maine Coon cats are bigger than Norwegian Forest cats on average.

They can weigh up to 25 pounds and measure up to 40 inches in length.

Norwegian Forest cats can weigh up to 16 pounds and measure up to 18 inches in length.

However, this does not mean that all Maine Coon cats are bigger than all Norwegian Forest cats.

There may be some Norwegian Forest cats that are bigger than some Maine Coon cats.

Size is not only determined by genetics but also by diet, health, and lifestyle.

Are Norwegian Forest cats fluffier than Maine Coons?

It depends on how you define fluffiness. Both Maine Coon cats and Norwegian Forest cats have long and thick coats that make them look fluffy and cuddly.

However, they have different types of coats that may affect their fluffiness.

Maine Coon cats have a heavy and shaggy coat that is silky and smooth.

Their coat is longer on their ruff, stomach, and britches, and shorter on their head and shoulders. Their coat can be any color or pattern.

Norwegian Forest cats have a thick and water-repellent coat that is soft and glossy.

Their coat is longer on their neck, chest, back legs, and tail, and shorter on their face and front legs.

Their coat can be any color or pattern as well.

Some people may think that Norwegian Forest cats are fluffier than Maine Coons because their coat is more even and uniform.

Some people may think that Maine Coon cats are fluffier than Norwegian Forest cats because their coat is more varied and textured.

Ultimately, fluffiness is subjective and personal. You may prefer one coat type over another based on your taste and preference.

Maine Coon cats and Norwegian Forest cats are both beautiful and fluffy cat breeds that can make excellent pets and companions.

They have many similarities in appearance and personality, but some differences make them unique and special.


Are Norwegian Forest cats rare?

Norwegian Forest cats are not very rare, but they are not very common either.

They are more popular and available in Europe, especially in their native country of Norway, where they are considered a national treasure.

They are less popular and available in other parts of the world, such as North America, where they were first imported in the 1970s.

According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), the Norwegian Forest cat ranked 21st out of 45 breeds in terms of popularity in 2020.

Most major cat registries recognize the breed and has a dedicated fan base of breeders and fanciers.

Are Norwegian Forest cats friendly?

Norwegian Forest cats are very friendly and sociable cats.

They enjoy the company of humans and other animals.

They are loyal and devoted to their owners and family members and show them affection and respect.

They may follow them around the house, sit on their lap, or sleep next to them.

They may also protect them from threats, such as intruders, strangers, or other animals.

They can get along with anyone and anything, including children, dogs, and cats.

They can also cope with any situation and environment, whether indoors or outdoors, hot or cold, calm or chaotic.

Why are Norwegian Forest cats so big?

Norwegian Forest cats are big because they have evolved to survive and adapt to Norway’s cold and harsh environment.

Their large size gives them an advantage in hunting and fighting for food and territory.

Their thick, water-repellent coat helps them stay warm and dry in snowy and rainy conditions.

Their large, round, and tufted paws help them walk on snow or ice without sinking or slipping.

Their long, bushy, and plumed tail helps them balance and keep warm.

Their size also reflects their personality and temperament.

They are confident, independent, and adventurous cats who like to explore and discover new things.

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