Despite fruit’s many benefits in a healthy human diet, you may wonder if you can feed it to your pets. The answer is yes. As long as you stick to safe fruits when offering your pet these tempting treats, you can feed them as snacks.
The next question will be which fruits are good for cats? Cats, unlike other pets, are uninterested in the sweetness of fruit because their tongues lack sweet taste receptors. However, according to Vetstreet, fruit might be a suitable substitute for cat treats (in moderation, of course).
So, let’s look at which fruits are suitable for cats to eat. Also, how much you should add these fruits to the cat’s diet.
ToggleCan cats eat persimmons?
Cats can eat persimmon because of its natural fruit sugars, glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which are good for the cat’s digestive system and promote intestinal peristalsis.
However, you should be concerned about the following points:
- Cats should remove the skin of persimmons because the skin of persimmons is hard, and the cat is difficult to eat.
- Persimmon contains sorbitol which can cause diarrhea in the cat.
- Excessive iron intake may cause hemolytic anemia in the cat.
- Cats should not eat more than one persimmon each time.
Can a cat eat cucumber?
It’s important to note that there isn’t any concrete evidence that a cat likes cucumber taste. Cats should never be fed cucumbers under one year old (because their digestive system isn’t fully developed), and cats who have had gastrointestinal issues in the past should also avoid eating cucumbers.
It’s also possible that if they don’t like the taste, they might be reluctant to eat it. If it’s bitter or bitter-tasting, it could cause a stomach upset.
Can my cat eat watermelon?
If you’re looking for a way to give your favorite feline a little extra treat, fruits like watermelon can be a good choice, especially in the summer. Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, and C and potassium. It’s also low in fat and cholesterol, making it a great snack for humans and cats.
However, don’t feed the rind or seeds to your cat. If a thin, pale seed from a “seedless” watermelon is accidentally swallowed, it should not cause harm. However, if your cat consumes a small amount of rind, bowel cleaning may cause.
Can a cat eat a banana?
Cats can eat bananas, but it doesn’t mean you should feed your pet banana all the time. Here are the reasons why:
It has enough calories because there is a lot of sugar in bananas, so too much will cause weight gain if fed to cats. Therefore, bananas should only be given as a special treat from time to time.
It is better to remove the peel before feeding your cat a banana, as the peel poses some serious choking risks to cats.
Can a cat eat cherry?
Cherry is not poisonous to the cat. But it is a fruit that contains sugar and acid, so it may cause stomach upset in cats. It also includes a small amount of cyanide, and the leaves contain large amounts of cyanide.
In addition, cherry seeds contain amygdalin, which may cause toxic symptoms in cats. Thus, cherry should not be fed frequently to cats to avoid secondary poisoning symptoms caused by excessive intake.
Excessive feeding of cherry to cats will cause secondary poisoning symptoms such as vomiting.
Can cats eat pineapple?
Yes, cats can eat pineapple, but only under certain conditions. This tropical delicacy is high in fructose and provides a variety of vitamins and minerals (A, B6, folate, C) (magnesium, and potassium).
Fresh pineapple is preferable to canned pineapple, frequently packaged in a sweet syrup containing preservatives. Before giving it to your cat, remove all the leaves, thorns, and rind.
Can the cat eat the apple?
You probably could have guessed that apples are fine for cats. They’ll enjoy the crunchy texture and sweet taste (although some might prefer it without the skin).
However, you’ll want to be careful about seeds and stems. Like cherries, apple seeds contain cyanide, which is deadly to cats. Stems can also pose a choking hazard, so remove them before feeding your cat.
In addition, remember that sugar is bad for cats, so don’t go overboard with the treats, or they might end up with cavities or weight issues down the road.
Can a cat eat a pumpkin?
It’s terrific to know that pumpkin is safe for felines, and they can be given as a treat or food supplement.
The safest way to feed pumpkin to your cat is to buy puree from the store and provide it directly to the feline in small quantities.
If you are offering fresh pumpkin or canned pumpkin, then remove the seeds from it before feeding. These seeds may contain harmful bacteria, which can cause digestive problems for the cat.
Can a cat eat strawberries?
You can give strawberries to cats in moderation.
Although they contain vitamin C, folate, potassium, manganese, antioxidants, and fiber in high quantities, they are not clearly beneficial for cats because they cannot absorb substantial amounts.
But before giving strawberries to cats, take the strawberry stalks and leaves off, then wash them before cutting them into pieces.
Can cats eat onion?
Onions are toxic for cats, so if your furry friend has an insatiable lust for onions, you’ll want to keep this in mind.
Feline onion toxicity occurs when the thiosulfate in onions causes the red blood cells of cats to break down and die. Symptoms of this condition include lethargy, weakness, and pale gums. If these symptoms are present, take your cat to a veterinarian as quickly as possible.
How much fruit can a cat have?
Fruits and other goodies should make up 2% of your cat’s diet. Every day, eat roughly a 1-inch portion. Fruits are a great alternative to cat treats, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. They can be served as a cut-in-small-pieces fresh or frozen delicacy.
Final Thoughts
Is it possible for cats to eat fruit? Yes, if it’s a safe fruit that’s consumed in moderation. However, some fruits are not healthy for cats with specific medical conditions, so always consult your veterinarian before adding any new foods to your pet’s diet.

What Foods Are Safe For Cats To Eat?
Some foods are good for cats, but some are bad or even dangerous. Follow our guide and give your cat the best food possible.