Cat CBD Treats for Cats: A Natural Remedy For Anxiety and Pain Relief

PawperCare Team

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Bella, my lovely Maine Coon cat, used to suffer from depression. That’s when I decided to research CBD treats for cats.

Honestly, I was worried about giving CBD treats to my cat at the beginning. After all, it seems like something only meant for humans.

After researching, I learned that CBD can help reduce anxiety, stress, pain, inflammation, and seizures in cats and has no psychoactive or side effects.

I also read many positive reviews from other cat owners who had tried CBD treats for their depressed cats and saw amazing results.

What Is CBD and Cat CBD Treats?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis and hemp.

It’s one of the many cannabinoids in these plants, but unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it doesn’t produce any psychoactive effects.

It’s the THC that’s responsible for the ‘high’ people experience when consuming marijuana.

Now, cat CBD treats are essentially treats infused with CBD.

They’re designed to offer the potential health benefits of CBD in a form that’s easy to administer to your cat.

As for legality, hemp-derived CBD is legal at the federal level in the United States. However, the laws can vary from state to state and country to country.

Researching specific laws in your area is always a good idea.

Can Maine Coon Cat Have CBD Treats?

Yes. Maine Coon cats can have CBD treats, as long as they are made from hemp-derived CBD oil and do not contain any THC or other harmful ingredients.

Generally speaking, CBD treats can help reduce anxiety, stress, pain, inflammation, and seizures in cats and have no psychoactive or side effects.

However, not all CBD treats are created equal, and some may be low-quality or contain contaminants.

Therefore, looking for high-quality products that use organic, non-GMO, and natural ingredients is important.

It is also essential to choose a product that has been third-party tested for purity and potency.

What Are the Benefits?

Now, you’re probably wondering why you would want to give your cat CBD. 

  • Reduce Anxiety and Stress

They can help reduce anxiety and stress in cats, especially those suffering from separation anxiety, travel anxiety, noise phobia, or other behavioral issues. 

CBD treats can calm your cat’s nerves and make them feel more relaxed and comfortable.

  • Reduce Pain and Inflammation

They can help reduce pain and inflammation in cats, especially those with arthritis, joint problems, injuries, or chronic diseases. 

CBD treats can ease your cat’s discomfort and improve their mobility and quality of life.

  • Reduce Seizures and Epilepsy

They can help reduce seizures and epilepsy in cats, especially those with frequent or severe episodes. 

CBD treats can lower your cat’s seizure frequency and intensity and reduce the need for anti-epileptic drugs.

How Does CBD Oil Work for Cats?

This is where things get interesting. My friend noticed that his cat Charlie gets particularly anxious whenever there’s a thunderstorm or when we have visitors.

He read that CBD might help with anxiety in pets, so he decided to try it.

The results were surprising. Charlie seemed calmer during the next storm and didn’t hide under the bed when they had guests over. He was amazed.

CBD oil reduces anxiety in cats by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a network of receptors and molecules that regulate various bodily functions, such as mood, pain, inflammation, and stress.

When a cat is anxious, the ECS may become imbalanced or overactive, causing the cat to feel nervous, fearful, or restless.

CBD oil can help restore the balance and calmness of the ECS by binding to or influencing its receptors, such as CB1 and CB2.

CBD oil can also modulate the activity of other neurotransmitters and hormones involved in anxiety, such as serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol.

By doing so, CBD oil can help reduce anxiety symptoms in cats, such as excessive vocalization, hiding, aggression, scratching, or inappropriate elimination.

CBD oil can also improve cats’ overall well-being and happiness by enhancing their mood, appetite, sleep, and immune system.

CBD oil for cats is generally safe and well-tolerated as long as it is derived from hemp and contains no THC or other harmful substances.

How Much CBD is OK for Cats?

It’s important to remember that each cat is unique, and what works for one might not work for another.

I started with a very small dose for Bell and monitored her reactions closely.

As for side effects, they are possible. Some cats might experience dry mouth, drowsiness, or slight changes in blood pressure.

That’s why it’s crucial to start with a small dose and adjust accordingly.

It’s also a good idea to consult with your vet before starting any new supplement regimen.

Is it Safe to Give Cats CBD Every Day?

This was a big question for me.

After seeing the positive effects on Bella, I wondered if I could make this a daily routine.

From my research and discussion with my vet, CBD can be safe for daily use in cats. However, using the correct dosage and monitoring your cat’s behavior and health closely is crucial.

How to Give CBD to Cats?

Administering CBD to cats can be tricky. Trust me, trying to get Bella to swallow a CBD oil droplet was not an easy task.

Thankfully, the cat CBD treats made this process much easier.

They come in various flavors, so you can choose the one your cat likes best. I found that mixing the treat in with Bella’ regular food worked wonders.

How Long Does CBD Oil Take to Work for Anxiety in Cats?

When I first started giving Bella CBD, I didn’t see immediate results.

But within a week or so, I started to notice subtle changes.

She seemed less anxious and didn’t hide as she used to.

But CBD isn’t a magic cure-all.

It may take some time to see results, and it’s not a substitute for veterinary care.

Always consult with your vet if your cat is dealing with health or behavioral issues.

So, there you have it. That’s everything I’ve learned about cat CBD treats. It’s been a great help for Bella, and it might be beneficial for your cat too.

Always remember, though, every cat is unique. So, what works for one might not work for another. Here’s to happy, healthy cats!

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