cat care

Proper pet care means saving money. We are here to help you understand your cats’ and dogs’ needs. Get tips on cat nutrition, cat product reviews, cat behavior and more.


How Often Should You Take Your Maine Coon Cat to the Vet?

PawperCare Team

Vet visits for shots, exams, prevention, and illness treatment all help your Maine Coon stay in good shape. But how often should you go?

Capstar Oral Flea Treatment for Cats Review

PawperCare Team

Capstar is an oral flea treatment for cats that kills adult fleas quickly and safely. It paralyzes and kills fleas within 30 minutes. Find out more about Capstar cat flea treatment.


3 Best Toothpastes for Your Cat’s Bad Breath

PawperCare Team

Does your cat have bad breath? Difficulty in eating, swollen or red gums or even tooth loss? Discover top 3 toothpastes for your cat's bad breath.

What Do Maine Coons Die From?


Learn more about the common causes of death in Maine Coons and how to protect your feline friend with the best possible care.


When Do Maine Coon Cats Shed and How to Stop?

PawperCare Team

Cat shedding is a problem. You may wonder when does your Maine Coon cat shed and how to deal with the hair. Check out now.


Don’t Declaw Your Maine Coon! Here Is Why.

PawperCare Team

Learn the truth about declawing your cat and the harmful consequences it can have. Find out safer alternatives to protect your furniture and your furry friend.


Should You Let Your Maine Coon Cat Go Outside?

PawperCare Team

Maine Coons' outgoing and adventurous personality make them seem like natural outdoor explorers. But is it dangerous for them to go outside?


How To Take Care of An Elderly Maine Coon Cat?

PawperCare Team

As your Maine Coon cat get older, how to take care of them is a problem. Check out Maine Coon common health issues and more caring tips now.


Can You Leave Maine Coon Kitten Alone?

PawperCare Team

Can leave your Maine Coon kitten alone for some time? Is there any unknown danger? Check out here.

How to Take Care of A Indoor Maine Coon Cat In Winter?

PawperCare Team

Maine Coons are beautiful and majestic cats that can adapt well to cold weather, but do we need to provide special care for our Maine Coon cat? Check out now.

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