cat facts
Proper cat care means saving money. We are here to help you understand your cat’s needs. Get tips on cat nutrition, cat product reviews, cat behavior and more
Why do Maine Coon Cats Like Water?
Discover why Maine Coon Cats love water and learn how to provide them with a safe water play experience. Explore our tips and advice today!
Why Are Maine Coon Cats So Popular?
Discover how Maine Coon cats can bring joy to your family - learn more today!
Are Maine Coon Cats Good Pets?
Are you wondering if a Maine Coon Cat is the right pet for you? Read our blog to learn more about the pros and cons of owning one!
Are Maine Coon Cats Friendly?
Discover why Maine Coon cats are some of the friendliest cats around - get one today!

When Do Maine Coon Cats Shed and How to Stop?
Cat shedding is a problem. You may wonder when does your Maine Coon cat shed and how to deal with the hair. Check out now.

3 Interesting Reasons Why Your Maine Coon Cats Like Water
Maine Coon cat seems to be the only exception in cat that don't get panic when encountering with water. But why. Find out three interesting reasons here.

Can Maine Coon Cats Swim In Water?
Cat usually get panic when they encounter water. But Maine Coon it? Can they swim in the water?

7 Facts Why Maine Coon Cats Are Smart
Maine Coon are often considered one of the smartest cat breeds. But did you know that why Maine Coon cats are so smart?