cat facts
Proper cat care means saving money. We are here to help you understand your cat’s needs. Get tips on cat nutrition, cat product reviews, cat behavior and more

Can You Buy A Short Hair Maine Coon Cat?
Is there a natural short hair Maine Coon cat? Can you buy short hair Maine Coon cat? Check out the truth here.

How to Take Care of A Indoor Maine Coon Cat In Winter?
Maine Coons are beautiful and majestic cats that can adapt well to cold weather, but do we need to provide special care for our Maine Coon cat? Check out now.

Can You Keep A Maine Coon Indoors?
Considering the extraordinary size and active personality of Maine Coons, can you keep them as indoor cats? Find out the answer here.

Maine Coon and Dogs: Can They Live Together?
Will cat and dog hurt each other when living together? Can they get along? Let me share some experience of how to get my Maine Coon and dog live together.

Are Maine Coon Cats Good Mousers?
Maine Coon cats' extraordinary size always make people wonder: are they good mouser? Check out what makes them magnificent hunters.

White Maine Coon Breed Info: Pictures, Personality and Traits
Kefir might be the first white Maine Coon cat that leaves you great impression. These cats are nothing short of majestic. Learn more about cat breed, images and characteristic.

Giant Maine Coon Kefir: Is He A Real Cat?
You must see Kefir the Maine Coon cat somewhere before, a gaint cat that almost three times larger than a normal cat. Is he real??

7 Fascinating Facts About The Orange Maine Coon
Orange Maine Coon, also call Red Maine Coon, is one of popular cat breeds in the world. What's the fascinating facts about orange Maine Coon cats?

Black Maine Coon Cat: What Makes Them Special?
Black cat in some culture means good luck. Is there anything special about black Maine Coon. Find out everything about this magnificent cat breed.

Maine Coon 101: All You Need to Know about Maine Coon Cat
Here to find everything you need to know about Maine Coon, from its history and profile to life with a Maine Coon and frequently asked questions.