Do Female Maine Coon Cats Spray?

PawperCare Team


One of the most frustrating things about owning a cat is the urine elimination or spraying. 

Cats can have urinary problems for various reasons, such as medical or emotional ones. When they pee outside the litter box, it can mean different things than when they spray. 

Knowing if your cat is peeing or spraying can help you and your vet solve these problems with your cat.

In this post, I will explain what spraying is and why cats do it. I will also share some tips on how to stop female Maine Coon cats from spraying, and how to clean the area where they spray.

What is Spraying and Why Do Cats Do It? 

Spraying is when a cat sprays urine on vertical surfaces, such as walls, furniture, or curtains. It is different from normal urination, which is done on horizontal surfaces, such as litter boxes, floors, or carpets. 

Spraying can be a problem for many cat owners, as it can cause bad smells, stains, and damage to the house. You may wonder why cats spray, and the answer is that they do it for various reasons, such as: 

• Marking their territory: Cats are territorial animals, and they use their urine to leave their scent and signal their presence to other cats. This can help them establish boundaries, avoid conflicts, and attract mates. 

• Communicating with other cats: Cats can also use their urine to convey information and messages to other cats, such as their age, sex, health, and mood. This can help them socialize and interact with other cats, especially during mating season. 

• Expressing stress or anxiety: Cats can spray when they feel stressed or anxious, such as when they are moved to a new home, introduced to a new cat, or exposed to loud noises or unfamiliar smells. This can help them cope, calm themselves, and reassure themselves of their territory. 

• Being in heat: Female cats can also spray when they are in heat, which is when they are ready to mate and reproduce. This can happen every two to three weeks, and last for four to six days. When they are in heat, they spray to attract male cats and announce their availability. Spraying is a natural and normal behavior for cats, but it can be a nuisance and a health hazard for humans. 

Therefore, it is important to understand the causes and solutions of spraying, and to prevent or stop it as soon as possible. 

Personality of Maine Coon Cats 

When dealing with the spraying problem, Maine Coon cat’s playful personality is also one factor to consider. Maine Coon cats are one of the oldest and most popular breeds of domestic cats in the world. 

They originated in the state of Maine, USA, and are known for their large size, long hair, and gentle personality. Some of the distinctive features and traits of Maine Coon cats are: 

• Size: Maine Coon cats are one of the largest and heaviest breeds of domestic cats. They can weigh up to 25 pounds, and measure up to 40 inches in length. They have a muscular, sturdy body, broad chest, and long tail. 

• Coat: Maine Coon cats have a long and thick coat, that comes in various colors and patterns. They have a double-layered coat with a soft, dense undercoat and a silky, water-resistant overcoat. They also have long hair on their ears, paws, and tail, that help them survive in cold weather. 

• Personality: Maine Coon cats are very friendly and playful, and are often called “gentle giants”. They are loyal and affectionate to their owners, and get along well with other pets and children. They are also very intelligent and curious, and enjoy exploring and learning new things. 

Maine Coon cats are wonderful companions and pets, and they have a lot of love and fun to offer. However, they also have some special needs and challenges, especially when it comes to spraying. 

Do female Maine Coon cats spray? 

Now, let’s get to the main question of this post: do female Maine Coon cats spray? The answer is yes, they do, but not all of them, and not all the time. 

Spraying is more common in male cats than female cats, and more common in unspayed or unneutered cats than spayed or neutered cats. 

However, female Maine Coon cats can still spray, especially when they are in heat, stressed, or sick. 

Other factors like age, health, and environment can also influence spraying. 

According to a American Veterinary Medical Association study, about 10% of female cats spray, compared to 30% of male cats. Another Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine study found that spaying or neutering cats can reduce spraying by 90%. 

However, these studies did not focus on Maine Coon cats specifically, so the results may vary for this breed. 

In meanwhile, female Maine Coon cats can start spraying as early as six months old when they reach sexual maturity. They may spray more frequently when in heat, which can happen every two to three weeks and last for four to six days.

They may spray when stressed, such as when they are moved to a new home, introduced to a new cat, or exposed to loud noises or unfamiliar smells.

They may also spray when sick, such as when experiencing urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or diabetes. 

So, how can you tell if your female Maine Coon cat is spraying or not? 

Here are some signs and clues that you can look for: 

• The location: Spraying is usually done on vertical surfaces, such as walls, furniture, or curtains, while normal urination is done on horizontal surfaces, such as litter boxes, floors, or carpets. Spraying is also done in specific and strategic places, such as near doors, windows, or corners, while normal urination is done in random and convenient places. 

• The posture: Spraying is usually done with the tail raised and quivering, and the back feet stamping, while normal urination is done with the tail down and the body crouched. Spraying is also done with the back facing the surface, while normal urination is done with the front facing the surface.

• The amount: Spraying is usually done with a small amount of urine, while normal urination is done with a large amount of urine. Spraying is also done with a fine and misty spray, while normal urination is done with a steady and thick stream. 

• The smell: Spraying is usually done with a strong and pungent smell, while normal urination is done with a mild and neutral smell. Spraying is also done with a distinctive and individual smell, while normal urination is done with a common and generic smell. If you notice any of these signs and clues, it is likely that your female Maine Coon cat is spraying, and not just urinating.

In that case, you need to take action, find out the cause and the solution of spraying, and prevent or stop it as soon as possible. 

How to prevent or stop female Maine Coon cats from spraying? 

Spraying is a natural and normal behavior for cats, but it can be a nuisance and a health hazard for humans. 

Therefore, it is important to prevent or stop spraying, and to clean the area where it happens. 

Here are some practical tips and solutions that you can try, such as: 

• Spaying your female Maine Coon cat: This is the most effective way to prevent or stop spraying, as it eliminates the hormonal triggers and reduces the territorial instincts of your cat. 

Spaying can also prevent unwanted pregnancies, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and improve the overall health and lifespan of your cat. 

The best time to spay your female Maine Coon cat is before she reaches sexual maturity, which is around six months old. 

However, you can still spay your cat at any age, as long as she is healthy and not pregnant. 

• Providing a clean and comfortable litter box: Make sure your cat has a litter box that is large enough, easy to access, and filled with enough litter. Clean the litter box regularly, and change the litter every week. 

You may also need to provide more than one litter box, especially if you have more than one cat, or a large house. 

This can help your cat feel more secure and satisfied, and reduce her need to spray.

• Providing enough toys and attention: Keep your cat entertained and stimulated, by providing a variety of toys, scratching posts, and hiding places. Play with your cat every day, and give her positive reinforcement and affection. 

This can help your cat feel happy and relaxed, and reduce her stress and boredom. 

• Using pheromone diffusers or calming collars: These are products that release synthetic pheromones, which are natural chemicals that cats use to communicate and bond with each other. 

These products can help your cat feel calm and secure, and reduce her urge to spray. 

You can plug in a pheromone diffuser in the room where your cat spends most of her time, or put a calming collar on your cat. 

• Consulting your veterinarian or a behavioral therapist: If none of the above methods work, or if your cat has a medical condition that causes her to spray, you may need to seek professional help. Your veterinarian can check your cat’s health and prescribe any medication or treatment that she may need. 

A behavioral therapist can help you understand your cat’s behavior and provide more specific advice and guidance. 

How to clean the area where a female Maine Coon cat sprays? 

Finally, how can you clean the area where a female Maine Coon cat sprays? This is important, as you want to remove the odor and the stain, to prevent your cat from spraying again or attracting other cats to spray. 

Here are some steps that you can follow: 

• Blot the area with paper towels or a cloth, to absorb as much urine as possible. Do not rub or scrub, as this can spread the urine or push it deeper into the surface. 

• Use an enzyme-based cleaner, such as Nature’s Miracle or Simple Solution, to break down the urine and eliminate the odor and the stain. Follow the instructions on the product label, and apply it generously to the area. Let it sit for the recommended time, and then wipe it off with a damp cloth. 

• Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners, such as bleach or vinegar, as they can make the odor worse and irritate your cat’s nose. Also avoid using any products that contain alcohol, perfume, or detergent, as they can damage the surface or leave a residue that your cat may dislike. 

• Repeat the process if necessary, until the odor and the stain are gone. You may also need to use a black light or a UV flashlight, to locate any hidden or dried urine spots. 

Final Thoughts

So, do female Maine Coon cats spray? The answer is yes, they do, but not all of them, and not all the time. 

Spraying is a natural and normal behavior for cats, but it can be a problem for cat owners. 

However, there are ways to prevent or stop spraying, and to clean the area where it happens. 

By following these tips and solutions, you can help your female Maine Coon cat stay healthy and happy, and enjoy your relationship with her.

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