One morning, as I was getting ready to start my day, I walked into my bedroom and was hit with an unpleasant smell.
As I approached my bed, I couldn’t believe what I saw – a pile of poop in the center of my sheets. I was shocked and disgusted, wondering how my cat could have done this. I quickly cleaned up the mess, but I also started to worry about my cat because this had never happened before.
Had my cat been feeling sick? Or was it a behavioral issue? I knew I needed to investigate and find out what had caused my cat to poop on my bed, so I could prevent it from happening again.
There are many possible reasons why cats poop on beds, some of which might surprise you. Here are seven of them.
What happens when a cat poops on the bed?
1. Illness
If your cat starts pooping on your bed, you should take them to the vet for a check-up.
Some health problems can cause cats to lose control of their bowels or make them uncomfortable using the litter box. For example, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), cancer, parasites, kidney disease, or arthritis can affect your cat’s digestion and mobility.
Your vet can diagnose and treat any underlying medical issues that might be causing your cat’s behavior. They can also prescribe medication or supplements to help with pain or inflammation.
2. Stress
Cats are very sensitive creatures who don’t like changes in their environment or routine. For example, suppose something stressful happens, such as moving to a new home, getting a new pet or family member, losing a companion, or experiencing loud noises or strangers. In that case, they might feel anxious and insecure.
Cats cope with stress by marking their territory with urine or feces. This helps them feel more comfortable and confident in their surroundings. Your bed is one of your cat’s most familiar and comforting places, so they might choose it as their preferred spot to leave their scent.
To help your cat feel less stressed, keep their routine as consistent as possible and provide plenty of toys, scratching posts, hiding places, and attention.
You can also use calming products such as pheromone sprays or diffusers, soothing music, or herbal remedies to create a more relaxing atmosphere for your cat.
3. Litter Box Issues
Another common reason cats poop on beds is that they have some problems with their litter box. It could be too dirty, too small, too far away, too covered, too noisy, or has the wrong type of litter.
Whatever the reason, your cat might find it unpleasant or inconvenient to use the litter box and look for an alternative place to do their business. You may check out our post about cat litter box furniture for some inspiration.
To prevent this from happening, make sure you provide your cat with a clean, spacious, accessible, and quiet litter box that has the proper type of litter for their preference.

4. Attention-Seeking
Cats are smart animals who know how to get our attention. Sometimes they do it by doing something cute like purring or rubbing against us. Other times they do it by doing something naughty like scratching the furniture or pooping on the bed.
If your cat poops on your bed when you’re not around or when you’re sleeping, they might be trying to tell you that they miss you. Or that they want more playtime or cuddles with you. Pooping on your bed is a sure way to get your reaction, even if it’s not positive.
To discourage this behavior:
- Make sure you spend enough quality time with your cat every day-playing, grooming, and bonding with them.
- Don’t reward them with attention when they poop on your bed; instead, ignore them until they stop.
- Praise them when they use the litter box properly instead.
5. Dominance
Cats are territorial animals who like to establish hierarchies among themselves and other animals. If you have more than one cat in your household, they might compete for resources such as food, water, toys, beds, and attention.
Sometimes this competition can lead to aggression or marking behaviors, such as hissing, growling, swatting, biting, chasing, staring, blocking, standing or sitting on another cat, or urine marking. Your bed might be a prime target for these behaviors because it smells strongly of you and is a high-value spot in your home.
To prevent dominance issues among your cats, provide enough resources for each cat, such as separate litter boxes, bowls, toys, and beds. You can also create a more harmonious environment by introducing new cats, gradually spaying or neutering your cats, and using pheromone products to reduce tension.
6. Revenge
Some might think that cats poop on beds out of spite or revenge for something we did that upset them. However, this is not true. Cats don’t have the same concept of morality or justice as humans and don’t hold grudges or plot revenge.
What might seem like revenge is a sign of stress, anxiety, or frustration in our cats. For example, if we scold them for scratching the sofa or leave them alone for too long, they might feel scared, angry, or bored and act out by pooping on our bed. This is not because they want to punish us but because they want to communicate their feelings or cope with their emotions.
To avoid this situation, understand your cat’s perspective and needs better. Please don’t yell at or hit them for doing something wrong, but redirect them to something appropriate. Provide them with enough stimulation and enrichment throughout the day, so they don’t get bored or lonely. And most importantly, show them love and affection, so they feel secure and happy.
7. Habit
The last possible reason your cat poops on your bed is simply because they have formed a habit. They may have started doing it for one of the reasons mentioned above but continued doing it even after the problem was resolved. Or maybe they prefer the softness and warmth of your bed over their litter box.
Habits can be hard to break, especially if they have been going on for a long time. But you can help your cat change their behavior with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Here are some tips:
- Clean your bed thoroughly with an enzyme-based cleaner to remove any traces of odor that might attract your cat back to the spot.
- Make your bed less appealing by covering it with a waterproof sheet of aluminum foil double-sided tape or citrus peels when you’re not using it.
- Make your litter box more appealing by keeping it clean, placing it in a convenient location choosing the right type of litter, and adding some treats to entice your cat.
- Reward your cat with praise, treats, toys, or cuddles whenever they use the litter box correctly.
Final thoughts
If you are dealing with the unpleasant surprise of finding cat poop on your bed, it’s essential to identify and address the underlying cause first. Keeping your cat’s litter box clean, spending quality time with your feline friend, and addressing any medical or behavioral issues can prevent future incidents and strengthen your bond with your furry companion.
Oh, I should probably start to clean my sheets…